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Interpreting firm is stripped of its police contract

Daily Mail   /   News   /   15 January 2019

Interpreting firm is stripped of its police contract after 'unqualified' translators caused court delays and led one case to collapse when an employee told a teenage suspect 'not to say too much' to officers.

Translators were 'not qualified' for police interview work

BBC News   /   News   /   14 January 2019

Unqualified police interpreters have cost the public thousands of pounds by causing court delays and in one instance the collapse of a case, the BBC has learned.

Hands on: Is Google's instant language translator a game changer for tourists?

Daily Telegraph   /   News   /   11 January 2019

This week Google unveiled an “interpreter mode” for its smart speakers, which can translate 27 languages in real time. I tried it out at Google’s base at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, in which I was put in front of an Italian speaker. On first impressions it’s hard to fault the technology, but at the same time, I’m not convinced that this is the future.

Private Eye: Forked Tongues

Private Eye   /   News   /   14 November 2018

Four Yorkshire police forces are reviewing their contracts for interpreter services with Language Empire. In the meantime, figures of thebigword's profit rates for translation and interpreting have also come out into the open. 

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