ALS "no-show" causes unnecessary overnight detention
03/04/12 Banbury Police Station
Interpreter: RN
What happened: Allegations of breaching the non-molestation order again. Those allegations were proven untrue. The same legal representative [as before] was present but a different officer.
I found out this defendant had been back in court on 29th March, I asked whether he had been assisted by an interpreter and legal representative, and the answer was "no" to both.
Previously (in March), after receiving a non-molestation order which he didn't understand, he saw his daughters and wife by chance in W and approached them to say hello. He was arrested for breaching the order and taken to Banbury Police Station where I interpreted for him with the solicitor. We explained the order. He spent practically a night in the cells.
My comments:
Surely, the costs incurred in his detention at the police station, legal representation and interpreter at the station are much higher than the cost of an interpreter during the hearing. And he lost 2 days of work because of that.
Redacted report filed in