Yet more court delays due to interpreters
David Povall · July 2, 2013 - 1:20 pm
St Albans Crown Court. Prelim and bail app, adjourned for second consecutive day because no interpreter. Yesterday, not booked by court. Today booked but no interpreter available. R v Jefremovas
Greg Unwin · July 2, 2013 - 12:51 pm
Southwark Crown Court, 28/06/13, Preliminary Hearing. Court had booked an interpreter but none attended. In the event the delay was only about 1.5 hours because the (i) the CPS had not prepared an indictment so no progress could be made in any event and (ii) the defendant’s family assisted in translation: however, had the hearing been a PCMH it would had to be adjourned. R -v- Loaiza Gomes
Benjamin Nicholls · June 29, 2013 - 3:00 pm
1. One and a half days turning a 2 day trial into a 4 day trial.
2. 13 and 14 May 2013 Wolverhampton Crown Court
3. Despite the fact that the date of trial had been fixed at PCMH, Capita did not provide a Polish interpreter for the defendant until 2.00 p.m. on day 1. No Polish interpreter for the complainant attended at all. On day 2 Capita did not provide an interpreter for the complainant until midday on day 2.
4. R v Jacek Andzejcak T20127666
Finnieston Crane · June 29, 2013 - 12:04 pm
1) In essence, delay will be three days.
2) Today, Saturday 29 June Camberwell Green magistrates’ court
3) Case was a first appearance. Client was Romanian and did not speak English. He had been uncooperative at the police station and refused to be interviewed. He was eventually seen by a solicitor and an interpreter but had been charged before then owing to time limits. When I arrived at court and collected the papers I enquired with the police liaison officer whether an interpreter had been booked. The reply came that the defendant had shown such command of English profanity (I paraphrase) in the police station that the police decided he would not require an interpreter at court.
I saw the client in the cells and of course he could barely speak any English. I explained the position to the bench and the matter had to be adjourned until Tuesday as the client was to be taken to another part of the country on Monday in any case to answer a charge there. Luckily the client also spoke some Italian and one of the bench spoke fluent Italian and could explain to him what would happen.
4) Would prefer not to say.
M. Bagnall · June 29, 2013 - 11:33 am
1. Wasted hearing adj to new warned list date.
2. Basildon Crown Court 28/06/13
3. Case had been adj from the 24.06.13 when the def was produced in custody but no interpreter was provided. This time the interpreter was provided but the def was not produced from custody.
4. R v Zelenas
[Copied by RPSI Linguist Lounge with permission from the South Eastern Circuit,]