HMCTS Interpreting Reports

Cannabis factory case dropped because Vietnamese interpreter not available

Deadline News   /   HMCTS Interpreting Reports   /   29 April 2016

Three Vietnamese men accused of running a cannabis factory have had the case against them dropped – because an interpreter was not available.

Case adjourned so an interpreter can be present

Western Gazette   /   HMCTS Interpreting Reports   /   17 April 2016

A man facing allegations of drug dealing in Yeovil has had his case adjourned so an interpreter can be present.

Telford man's rape trial postponed because of interpreter blunder

Shropshire Star   /   HMCTS Interpreting Reports   /   14 April 2016

A rape trial in Shropshire has had to be postponed for five months – after a blundering agency sent the wrong interpreter.

Man accused of assault has case adjourned for interpreter to be present

Western Gazette - South Somerset   /   HMCTS Interpreting Reports   /   16 March 2016

A man accused of an offence of assault Yeovil has had the case against him adjourned for an interpreter to be present.

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