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Translators working for Scots cops and courts 'exploited for £5 an hour wages'

Daily Record   /   News   /   01 March 2020

Workers who work for the NHS, police and courts in Scotland aren't being compensated for their travel time between jobs.

The new Police Language Services Framework

Ian Fraser, Head of Procurement & Support Services at Leicestershire Police   /   News   /   27 February 2020

Leicestershire Police Force is leading on a National Police Framework for language services. Under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 detainees have a legal right to be represented by an interpreter during the evidential process. The new specification developed by the UK Police Service requires interpreters to be DPSI qualified to carry out any interpreting assignments.

Sentencing of driver responsible for man's death postponed

Eastern Daily Press   /   HMCTS Interpreting Reports   /   10 January 2020

Sentencing of driver responsible for man's death postponed after an "administrative error" on the part of the company responsible for providing the court with an interpreter in Mandarin.

With prejudice

Private Eye   /   News   /   11 December 2019

A decision not to grant asylum to an Eritrean woman was overturrned after the court-appointed interpreter ranted angrily about her case to a lawyer at the bus stop outside the hearing, raising more questions about what checks are made on the professionalism of language experts relied on in the courts. 

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